February 2020 Nutrition Challenge

Upcoming February 2020 Nutrition CHallenge

Weigh Ins and InBody scans will be done on February 8th.

Time for weigh ins and body fat percentage scans!

The challenge will officially begin on Monday February 10th.

Let the macros begin!

A Brief Explanation of the Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions

$150 includes 10 weeks of no BS nutrition content, a daily macronutrient and calorie blueprint customized for you an your goals, a like minded community to help support you to success, as well as tips, habits, recipes, and motivation to keep  you on track to reach your goals.  We are talking about $15 per week .  Or just $2.14 per day.

We aren’t selling any supplements, shakes, pills, or anything like that.  This is about eating actual real food to reach your goals.  I can’t sell you food better than your grocery store can.  We do require that you have an InBody scan  which can cost around $25. If you are unable to be scanned when we have the rental on June 29th you must schedule your own at a different facility.  If you are in the Phoenix area we can provide locations.  We also HIGHLY recommend a food scale which you can pick up just about anywhere for around $20 .

Yes!  If you invite a friedn to participate inthe challenge with you we are offering a $25 discount to both you and your friend. 

Also if you are an individual nutrition client of Steve or Nicole you can participate in the challenge for free.

The main topics are getting your environment right, explaining why nutrition is so confusing, meal prepping, hormones, motivation, sleep, and stress.  We also cover a number of smaller topics like how the macro and micro nutrients interact in your body, exercise, the brain’s reward center, plus much more.

We try and make everything as simple to understand as possible.

Nope.  If you want a keto style diet  you can eat that way and we will work with you to design that eating plan, but our philosophy is that for this 10 weeks we want to help you with a balanced diet that you can eat for life.  Most people aren’t going to do any “strange” diet for life.  Not saying keto is strange.  It’s a tool that can be used, but it’s not appropriate for most people.

No, but sort of.  How’s that for an answer?  The reality is that if you are trying to lose weight you can’t do it by continuing to do what got you to this weight in the first place.  But also if I told you that you can never eat a cookie ever again I bet you are thinking about a cookie right now.  This challenge is about realizing that you can eat a cookie and still move towards your body composition goals.

That’s pretty common.  Everyone is on their own timeline.  We try to help you with what we call flexible meals to help you stay on track even if your spouse or children aren’t on board eating more nutritous options right now.

Certainly it’s more difficult to be in control of your food and portions if you aren’t making anything yourself, but there are food prep and delivery companies out there that you can purchase meals from that are more likely to help you reach your goals than eating out all the time.

We can’t diagnose or treat any medical conditions.  You should talk with your doctor about your intention to get your eating on track and once you have your daily macro and calorie blueprint review it with your doctor to be sure they are on board with your decision.

No.  You don’t have to join Hammer CrossFit or any gym for that matter.  We highly encourage you to do some exercise and in particular some weight lifting.  But we are all at different points in our nutrition and fitness levels.  For some people walking for 20 minutes is more exercise than they have done in years.  Exercise will help accelerate your results, but it is NOT required.

That’s awesome.  This tells me that you are already experienced.  We aren’t going to make you change something that is working for you.  If you would still like to be part of the group, get access to our content, and stay motivated then you are welcome to join the challenge.  We just ask that you provide us with your current macro plan so that we can get your program into our points system.  You can still get your InBody scan, your before and after pictures, and have fun with us for the next 10 weeks.

Yep.  During our last challenge we paid out over $1,200 in prizes to different winners.

Many, but not all of our mini weekly challenges have a $25 – $50 prize winner that is randomly selected from the people that completed the tasks.  We also paid out larger cash prizes for the person that lost the most fat, lost the most percentage of their body fat, accumulated the most points for being accurate with their macros, the biggest visual change, the most muscle gained, and also a fitness component winner.

If I had to boil it down to just a couple things, our goal is that at the end of the 10 weeks you have a framework for eating that works for you to achieve your current goals.  Selfishly we also hope that you have received so much value that you become one of our biggest fans and tell more people about us.  The best way for us to be successful is to make you successful.

Still Have Questions?